Standard 1 – Members must provide hearing services in a safe and ethical manner
- Members should provide the highest professional service with honesty, compassion and dignity to their clients.
- Members should ensure they have a full understanding of this Code of Conduct, adhere to it, and cooperate when subject to review by the Society.
- Members should maintain their competencies in services they deliver through continuing education and professional development.
- Members must not make claims to cure hearing loss and associated disorders, and must only provide hearing services that serve the needs of the client.
- Members must ensure that all equipment used in the provision of hearing services is properly maintained. In addition, testing protocols must also conform to existing local and/or international standards.
- Members must recognise the limitations of the hearing services they can provide and refer clients to other competent health care providers where clinically indicated.
- Members must recommend that additional opinions and services be sought where clinically indicated.
- Members must provide hearing services in a respectful manner and not discriminate clients on the basis of race, religion, nationality, age, gender, financial circumstances, health status or disability.